Left: 2D Photoluminescence map of low NV-density substrate with automatic recognition of promising candidates (marked in red). Center: Photo of the characterization setup. Right: Pulsed ESR of single NV.
Confocal NV characterization
Localize, screen and characterize NVs in diamond - have your color centers tested! Nitrogen vacancy (NV) centers are a workhorse of several quantum technology applications. They are a unique type of imperfections in diamonds, where two carbon atoms are removed, and one of them is replaced by a nitrogen atom. NV centers can be stimulated to emit individual photons, their spin can be controlled with microwaves, which makes them suitable for quantum computing and networking applications. They also react to magnetic fields, temperature, and pressure, which makes them suitable for quantum sensing. At the same time, the surrounding diamond protects keeps the center stable, and makes their quantum properties operative in ambient conditions. We can automatically, rapidly and reliably screen, select, characterize, and mark NV centers at room-temperature (and soon cryogenically). The characterization laboratory is equipped with a setup allowing to scan a volume of the diamond sample to automatically identify individual NV canters with sub-micron precision, to measure the density and uniformity of their distribution. Additionally, it can automatically perform measurements with certain pass criteria to automatically select suitable candidates for an application or further investigation. These measurements include orientation of the NV centers in the crystal lattice, their brightness (as a function of laser power), as well as quantum coherence times (T2* and T2 under dynamical decoupling), and ESR (CW and pulsed) linewidths. We can also perform G2 measurements. With this, we can test diamonds with NVs for various applications. After deciding with you on a plan, we will conduct the measurements and generate a characterization report with info like PL maps, relative location of NV centers, their orientations, brightness, lifetime (T1) and quantum coherence times (T2* and T2). This can be followed by an optional meeting with a measurement specialist in which the results can be discussed.
Sensing Computing Communication
Testing  Measurements