DV QKD testbench
VTT-Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd
Functional fiber-optic time-binned phase-modulated DV-QKD testbench is available for testing of individual components (modulators, detectors etc.). Testing can be accomplished by replacing an existing component with a device to be tested. Attenuated CW-laser source capable of producing 100 ps pulses at 1550 nm is available on-site. Experiment control system is flexible and can be modified for other protocols. Optical layer of the testbench setup comprises of commercial fiber components and can be modified if needed. Fiber-components are limited to wavelength range around 1550 nm. Testbench currently uses phase-modulated time-binned BB84, with decoy states capability being implemented. Maximum bitrate at the receiving side (Bob) is currently limited to tens of kb/s. Detectors are commercial InGaAs SPADs, which gives technical limitations for dark counts, quantum efficiency and timing uncertainty.
Testing  Measurements