Superconducting qubit testing
Measuring the performance of a packaged multi-transmon device. The testing includes the packaging (cavity resonances), low-power quality factors of resonators, readout resonator coupling, single-qubit performance (anharmonicity, sweet-spot T1, T2*, T2echo, RB), qubit-qubit interaction strength, flux-bias crosstalk, residual ZZ coupling. Tesing is possible for fixed- and variable-frequency qubits, as well as devices with flux-tunable couplers. DC biasing of up to filtered 24 lines. Capacity to test sequentially up to 6 feedlines per cooldown. Sequential microwave control of up to 20 qubits, simultaneous - via up to 3 drive lines. Capacity to apply baseband flux pulses on up to 2-4 current bias lines selected before cooldown. In consultation, we can perform testing of other superconducting quantum devices in cQED paradigm.