1.7 km free-space link
Free-Space Link of 1.7km distance with full equiped Quantum Mobile Labs
Free-Space Quantum Communication Link
Fraunhofer IOF
1.7km free-space link is available for quantum communication testing. Two free-space links of similar distances are available: 1. between 2 mobile quantum labs (QuBus) and between QuBus and Quantum lab in the building. Both links support the detection at 810 and 1550nm with SPADs and high efficient SNSPDs. The Advanced telescope with adaptive optics components are used in all stations and optimized spatial filtering allowing the day-light measurement. There are fiber and free-space interfaces. Different types of quantum sources and support equipment available to be used if needed. * There is a 3rd QuBus also available for multi-node setups. ** Possibility of measuring over hybrid links (free-space + fiber link + satellite communication).
Mobile Quantum Stations with SNSPDs and classical communication link
Telescope with adaptive optics
Mobile 20-cm Aperture Telescopes with active beam alignment.
Testing  Measurements